Thursday, 28 November 2013

The God-Factor

I was in my Final year in school, stuck between the Rock and a Hard Place; having to write my Final year student Project, coordinating our Student Campus Fellowship and Preparing for our 10th Year Anniversary Program,it was a lot of Hard work and time spent, and yet I had to attend Lectures, wrote Tests and Assignments as well took care of domestic responsibilities right in the middle of it. I took comfort in the scripture below and found Grace and Strength. it turned out to be my Best Year at School. This is one of my Favorite scriptures translated in one of my Favorite versions Phil 4:13 (AMP) I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency] I Love this scripture so much I personalize it and decree it to myself... " I have strength for all things...I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Christ" Christianity is not designed for us to use our Strength and Might, because we're told in John 1:12 that we have been given the "Power to become..." I am not trying to sermonize here. We're Christians and our difference is in what we Believe, and therefore we Speak. May Your Strength not Fail as God will Renew the needed Strength for each day. You'll do well and Graciously as God brings you to a Level of Great Grace!

Psalms 44:3 NLT- They did not conquer the land with their SWORDS; it was not their own STRONG ARM that gave them VICTORY. It was your right hand and strong arm and the blinding light from your face that helped them, for you loved them. This guys were the Best Skilled Swords-men in the Land, there were the best Samurai in Town, they even had Big Biceps as described as strong arm in the text. But yet the scriptures says they didn't Possess the Land with all that. It wasn't in their strength. The Victory was because God Favored

them. On the other hand its OK for us to sharpen ourselves give ourselves a cutting edge as an individual, look good, educate ourselves and be 21st century compliant, have several (Academic) Degrees like the thermometer. But give a little space for the God-Factor. Don't put your Faith in all you've acquired and in yourself more than you recognize the Help of God at work in your Life. Do not be too intelligent more than your obedience to God. I Believed God put me there at that time to do all that  was done, I know Him well enough not to abandon me. Because He promised Never to Leave us or Forsake us Hebrews 13:5. He came through for me. Proverbs 3:5-8 Honoring God brings Healing to your Body and Strength to your Bones. Its a Biblical Principle! All through. That Period in my final year I was basking in an unusual strength, wisdom and exceeding Favor. Little wonder the Bible said "It is not by Power nor by Might..." But it is by the God-factor. Do all you need to do best, but take Comfort in the Help of God. For He will Help you. That is the God-Factor! You'll Excel in Jesus name. The Lord is your strength. I Celebrate you.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Wisdom for Reaching out

You are not responsible for what a person receives and digests. You’re only accountable to observe and pay attention to what they need, and offer it to them in the best way you know how.  Don’t force-feed or overwhelm them, or they may disengage from the conversation. Don’t under nourish, or they might leave less than satisfied. Offer it as the Holy Spirit inspires.