Mathew 8:5-13
can afford to become and be Christians, but we can’t afford to be ignorant of
the Faith or get stuck up at a level. We need to keep growing in the Faith;
building our knowledge of God and His methods of operation. As 2 Peter 3:18
says to …Grow in Grace, and recognition
and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We
need to GROW in the knowledge of Him who gave us salvation and the
benefit-packages that comes with it.
I wish biblical
principles were written in italics so that as we come across them in the
scriptures we can highlight them or have them printed and then perhaps the
Christian walk will be smoother. But since that’s not the case, we ought to labor
in the Word. 2 Timothy 2:15 admonished to “study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved
(tested by trial) a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing
and accurately dividing (rightly handling and skillfully teaching) the Word of
Truth” It is as we do our utmost to labor that the texts in this book are
opened to us in another light as Revelation to see the principles that
underlies as we read and study. With that said, there is a lot we can learn
from this account of the healing of the centurion’s servant.
If there is
anything that gets the attention of God, it’s our faith. He never takes it for
granted or gets familiar with it. It always makes Him wonder. Hebrews 11:6
“But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him.”. If it is impossible to please
God and “the just shall live by Faith” then whatever Faith is, that is exactly
what we should live by. Isn’t it a wonder that the
Creator of Heavens and
earth, the omniscience could be taken by surprise at the Faith of the centurion.
After careful study of this account the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see these
lessons I am about to share with you.
Authority: This seem normal, when the centurion used the knowledge of his
own position and power in the Army to understand Jesus’ universal and sovereign
Authority and Power. Convinced, that His Position and Word are potent to alter
circumstance regardless of location or proximity. You must understand how
authority operates in the Kingdom. Jesus wondered at the Faith of this
unbeliever to have understood such deep things that only covenant Christians
should have known. But we need to understand our position and His position in the
hierarchy of Authority in Heaven. Ephesians 1:20-21 “ which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the
dead and seated Him at His
right hand in the heavenly places,
far above all principality and power and might and dominion,
and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to
come.” Ephesians 2:6 also revealed
that we are “… raised up together, and
made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” Interesting to know that we are
Heirs with Christ in Authority and Power and Blessings. These are scriptures you may have known before
today, but how much have you meditated on them before today. Spiritual truths
are slippery and we must be put on reminder until they are fully manifested in
our lives.
Subject to Authority: Mathew 8:9. He understood he is subject to Authority
and so other authorities are subject to him. Could this be the very position of
somewhat Christians who desire to wield authority when they are not first
subject to it? Before we desire to take on the world and cast demons out and
mountains into sea, heal the sick and operate like God operates. James 4:7 “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil
and he will flee from you” This is an all-time principle. We
need to be totally surrendered and yielded to God in our minds, actions and for
circumstance to scamper before us.
From our text it is clear that the centurion is not a Jew, possibly he is a
Roman centurion assigned to or seconded to Herod’s army. A centurion is in
charge of hundred men, and probably similar in the Roman hierarchy to the
position of an army captain in our own time. To have put such faith in Jesus
shows he has a clear sense of who Jesus is and his Humility is shown to be grounded
in a profound respect for Jesus’ position and what His Level of authority
is. In His entire ministry on the face
of the earth before this time, He had not seen such simple and humble yet
powerful display of “so great Faith” by a high ranking official. A Faith found,
not even among the covenant people. If we have no humility of heart, then we
have no business being Christians. Jesus Himself as powerful as He is has
modeled such Humility before God and obtained a Name higher than every other. Philippians
Be Passionate:
What lead to the move of this Great Faith was the compassion this top official had
for his servant, whose name was not even mentioned. This man was so passionate
about his servant’s condition so much that of all the issues he had to deal
with in Leadership; he was more concerned about the illness of his servant in
his house than any other thing bothering him at work. He is in the army I am so
sure there were other important things he had to care about, his promotion or
even to have more influence in the region. The one issue he brought before the
most Powerful Man that ever walked on the surface of the earth was for the
healing of his servant. Little wonder did Jesus wonder at him.
Faith is not Faith until Spoken. Speak of the Authority you have in Christ, in
any circumstance you find yourself whether in contradictory or good
circumstances. Neither knowledge nor assumption of what you claim to believe
will produce result if not spoken. Knowledge without corresponding action will
end in frustration. An example of this, is the woman with the issue of blood
Mark 5:28 “For she kept saying, if I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to
health” She consistently told herself.
If you believe it will dominate your thoughts and out of the abundance,
the mouth will speak. Abraham consistently believed but in Praise to God.
Romans 4:20-21 “…he grew strong and was
empowered by Faith as he gave Praise and Glory’’ his conviction was in the
assurance that “…God was able and mighty
to keep His word and to do what He had Promised”. The centurion somewhat
interrupted Jesus and told Him to “only
speak the word” and verse 8 and 9
was centered on this. He understood the power of the spoken word. This is the
Foundation of our Christianity. The next verse Jesus marveled when He heard
that, and turned to the crowd and affirmed to them that he has not seen
anything like it, not even in Israel. 2 Corinthians 4:13 “Yet we have the same spirit of Faith… We too
believe, and therefore we speak”
It is not the
matter of whether God can or cannot do it. It is if you Believe that He can.
Because God is Able and Mighty to do. Above all you could ever ask, imagine, or
think. Whatever issues you’re dealing with, I believe this account will provide
you with the ingredients you’ll need to counteract the enemy and bring about
your desired result. The Lord is Your Strength.
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