It hasn’t been the
smoothest ride trying to keep the 10 commandments, now this “16 commandments” may
seem even more burdensome. This is a precise and a concise description of what
Love is and what love is not, what Love does and Love does not do. These
“commandments” are the commandments of the greatest Commandment and its definitions
according to 2 John 6 and 1 Corinthians 13.
1. Love
is Patient and full of Grace and adjusts to each other’s uniqueness that it
takes no pleasure in finding faults and flaws.
2. Love
is kind; so active, gentle and tender yet firm and tough when necessary. It
goes way beyond just thoughtfulness but it deliberately engages in the pursuit
of the welfare of another.
3. Love
rests so secure, comfortable and content in itself and its relationships so
much that the fangs of envy and jealousy are pulled out.
4. Love
reveals itself by its actions, finds it fulfillment and purpose not in the
praise and recognition of men, but in the opportunity to serve the needs of
others. And so it is always too busy doing good to brag or seek fanfare.
5. Love
is the exact opposite of arrogance, ego, and vain self-confidence, reliant on
its own powers, talents and knowledge. Love is humble, gentle and never
forceful. Love is so filling that there
is no room for pride.
6. Love
shows and maintains proper honor and respect due to everybody, regardless of
status, age, and pedigree giving no room to act unbecomingly or rude.
7. Love
is “roleless” without conditions or expectations. Love seeks the welfare of
others even at the cost of self-denial and personal sacrifice; it gives no room
to be self-seeking.
8. Love
takes a lot to be provoked and so does not rise to the bait and let anger
overcome it.
9. Love
is so busy imputing the purest and highest motives to the actions of others. This
does not mean being gullible, but it does mean looking for and thinking the
best about every person, and so does not “keep inventory” of wrongs, hurts,
insults or offenses.
10. Love
finds no pleasure in sin, either our own or anyone else’s. It refuses to
associate itself with wickedness and evil.
11. Love
is active rejoicing, which gets personally involved in serving and working for
the Truth, the Truth of God’s Word and
so will read, study, discuss, share and teach it.
12. Love
is always careful to hide the faults and failings of others, shielding them
from the harsh onslaught of life rather than broadcasting them.
13. Love
trusts the Lord for and in all things… and have Faith in people; believing in
the best of them.
14. Love
is grounded in the accomplished fact and promises of God having seen the bright
side of things. Not denial of the reality, but the emphasis of Faith over
reality and so do not despair having the confidence and assured expectancy that
things will turn out well.
15. Love
hangs on to the end when all else fails and never gives up.
16. Love
is so eternal it knows nothing of failing. #Loveneverfails
long list you may say, but you’ll be glad as I am to know that if we can get one
thing right, we will grasp everything there is to know about Love.
Modern society offers different
options, counsel and advice about Love, but no one understand love the way God
does, what the society has successfully done is to pervert it. If we want to
understand Love we need to go to the source. To know this Love is to be filled
with all the Fullness of God and the best that God has to offer-Ephesians 3:19.
We know God because of His Love and we Love Him because He first loved us. 1
John 4:7-16 tells us that God is Love. I wouldn’t say “Love is God” because of
what society has painted it to be. But I can confidently say that True Love is
of God and if we want to grow, be successful and Live life full throttle then it’s
time we ditch what we feel love is and consult the manufacturer.
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