Thursday 26 September 2013

7 Reasons Why a Christian Guy is More Attractive

Written by: Nina Daugherty
Now I know a lot of girls from ALL generations love the “bad boy” image. They find the idea of risk and danger to be attractive. However, people underestimate how attractive a man who follows God is. As much as we want to believe that the “bad boy” is what we want (click here for more on this), the light of Christ shining through someone’s eyes, behavior, and soul will always win over. Keep in mind, not everyone who says they are Christian is actually Christian (If they say they are religious…run for the hills…true Christianity is about relationship not religion!). First let me offer you a few characteristics of a Christian guy:

1)  He goes to church regularly and is active- Anyone can go to church but you can tell if someone really is a part of the body of Christ is if they are there regularly and are part of some type of ministry. This will not only show you someone is holding them accountable but also they are part of a cause other than themselves.
2)  He owns and actually reads his bible- The Word holds truth. It became flesh through Jesus (John 1:1) as an example of how to walk. You want this person to be a role model for you and those around him. One day it may be your children looking to him for an example on how to walk as a Christian.
3)  Look at those around him- In this journey of sexual purity, it is so important to have the right people around you. For more about this, click here. You can tell more about a person by looking at the crowd they are a part of. Think about this in your own life.
You may think, “I’m young…I don’t care about that stuff! I have time.” I have witnessed many young people lose their life either physically or through a relationship God never meant them to have. I’m letting you know now you are setting the foundation not only for your future marriage but also for your future children. Invest your time in someone who deserves it.
Another question you may be asking yourself is, “Why is she talking about kids? I don’t have any yet.” The reason why I bring up kids is because unfortunately a lot of people will accept ungodly situations (to say the least) when it’s just them by themselves. However, when you become a parent you are no longer responsible for your life but for the protection of your little ones. The love of a parent runs deeper than you will ever know until you are one and you don’t want to be in a situation where your child will be abused or grow up in a hostile environment. With that being said, here are some reasons why a Christian man is the way to go:
 1)  You love the same God- Already there is an instant connection and knowability between you. Also, going to church or for the future bringing your kids to church will not be an issue. Being a mother who comes to church alone may open a doorway of jealousy and bitterness when you see men of God bringing their families to church and your husband is home.
2)  You are on the same page- Hopefully you won’t need to explain a lot as to why you want to remain sexually pure. He will already understand the whys and be on the same path.
3)  He will know how to pray for you- There is nothing like a man who can pray! I’m sorry but contrary to popular opinion; there is no greater power than the power received from the Almighty. One day when you or your children are in a place of either extreme sickness or sadness, you will want someone who can speak life and cover you with spiritual protection. Every time my hubby prays for me he gets that much hotter (didn't think it was
4)  He can wash you with the Word- One thing that helps us Christians get through the deceptions of life is finding truth in the Word of God. God specifically says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word” (Eph. 5:25-26). So you know when you’re in that place where you just need someone to speak to you on a real level and give you that much needed encouragement, your husband will be that for you.
5)  You can help each other learn more about God- The bible says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17). You can bounce ideas and thoughts off each other. We also learn differently so there may be a topic you can explain in a way the other person understands better.
6)  The Holy Spirit will help direct his behavior- You know if we (male or female) are left to our own devices it can be catastrophic. If we lean on the One who created us then we have a better chance of making the right decisions. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…” (Gal. 5:22-23).
7)  He will have the right people around him- This will be important especially if you are struggling in sexual purity or just in general. You want him to turn to God or the healthy people in his life rather than people who will encourage him to cheat or leave you.
I pray this changes your perspective on Christian guys. By no means am I saying Christian men are perfect, they will have their faults too. The Word says, “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity” (Prov. 24:16). God is telling you the difference between when a man of God falls and someone who is not of faith.
I cannot stress enough how much this is for your protection. You should not be dating someone who is not Christian. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14). They will be used to pull you away from God instead of towards. When in doubt, return to your First Love and let Him figure it out.

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